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#21 You’re Never Too Old or Too Young To Start a Business

In this podcast we speak on how age shouldn’t be a blocking point of you starting your business.  God has a plan for each and everyone of us, and He needs us to do things at different stages of our life.

You’ll never know when He might give us an opportunity to bless someone in our businesses.

God has given you, your vision and mission for a reason and we are here to back you up every step of the way sister!

We hope you’ve enjoyed this series and we look forward to doing the next one with you in October!

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#21 You’re Never Too Old or Too Young To Start a Business

Join us as we share our 5 day Facebook Live Series called Business Basics.  We’ve recently launched a new workshop in our membership called Business Basics and we wanted to bless all the ladies out there who are thinking about starting a business.


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