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262 What to do when you’re feeling like a complete failure

Podcast Summary

Embracing Faith Over Feelings: Navigating Through Seasons of Uncertainty

In this episode of the Christian Women in Business podcast, host SJ discusses dealing with feelings of failure and lack of direction in life and business. She emphasizes understanding that feelings are temporary and not definitive facts. SJ shares personal experiences and practical steps for overcoming these challenging emotions, including seeking community support, focusing on serving others, making flexible plans instead of rigid goals, and embracing faith over sight. With encouragement and actionable insights, this episode aims to help listeners move past feelings of failure and rediscover purpose and direction.

00:00 Introduction: Overcoming Feelings of Failure

00:30 Understanding and Acknowledging Emotions

01:15 Personal Experience and Seeking Support

02:11 Shifting Perspective: From Failure to Faith

02:50 Going Blind with Faith

07:16 Making Plans, Not Goals

09:37 Permission to Pivot

11:04 Don’t Focus on Your Feelings

15:51 Conclusion: Embracing the Journey

Full transcript

What to do when you feel like a complete failure? That is what we’re going to be covering today in this week’s episode of the Christian women in business poke cashew. A show now. I know a lot of us go through this feeling of feeling like we go in nowhere in life. Our businesses is just, it feels like it’s a big drag. I think you feel like you. You failed in some way. Now the most prominent word.

I want to point out in that sentence that I’ve just shared is the feeling. Feeling. Being the main word. So you might be feeling like you are. A complete failure, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you are. It’s just an emotion now. No one can take your emotions away. Emotions are for us to experience life where as we experienced joy, the feelings of joy. Sadness grief.

They’re all part of being a human and gods. Put them in us. For a reason. And for good reason so that we have empathy and, we can really feel situations, especially as females. And I know the other day. I was looking through some things some old collateral, which I’m going to go into later in the podcast. That we did when we first started. And I’d had a really weird day. And I just had this horrible sunken feeling that I’d let God down. And maybe you have moments like that too, where you just feel like life hasn’t gone as it should business, hasn’t gone, as you thought it would. I just feel really. Ugh. And I knew it was a feeling.

I knew it wasn’t going to last forever. So I experienced the feeling. I acknowledged the feeling. I try to work out in my body where that feeling was and where it was coming through. I digested, it was some close, trusted friends and asked them to. Come and stand and pray with me as I was feeling these feelings and. So I want to pass on what I personally did apart from contacting my friends and reaching out.

But beyond that helped me get past that point. Feeling like a complete failure to hopefully. Help you. To go from, oh my gosh. This is not good. I’ve let God down to. Actually, no, that was a feeling it’s not true. In the sense of, it’s not a fact, it is a feeling and you are in fact amazing.

You’re doing amazing. And God has your back. Even in that moment of feeling, oh my gosh this is not good. The first point I want to share with you is that really helped me.

Was go at it blind. Might sound really weird. But in that point, Excuse me. If, when I was. Feeling. Like a failure and like I’d let go down and let myself down. And failing as a leader as well. I admits of that was boy was also feeling a lack of direction and the lack of vision. And I was talking to a girlfriend about it. Community is so important. And just explain and how, in this season and in this moment of where I am in life. I used to be vision mission push forward. Go at it like a bull in the China shop. And at the minute I don’t feel like I’m to lead like that. The books tell us to cast vision for the future and to compel, not to compel book, to. Encourage and invite your leaders to follow you in that vision casting and where we’re going. And I’m just not in a season of feeling that.

And I wrote down. Like some earthly things that I thought. Would help. And would help me bring that vision out of myself. And it, when I started saying them out loud, they just didn’t feel aligned. It just didn’t feel right. And

if you’re feeling with lack of direction and lack of vision. What helped me change my perspective and my point of view. Was thinking. Okay, actually, I don’t need to leave like that isn’t this isn’t a season of leading like that. This is a season. Of leading from a different place. And that place is from something so simple. It’s focusing on the Serban. So the servant aspect of what we do. In Krisha women in business. And like the automation girl. So far. I wanted to change that projection and change that perspective.

And I encourage you to do the same. In the Serbian. Change it from me. To you. How is it that yes, life’s got all different things going on in the background, but how can I serve you? How can I serve Christian women in business? It doesn’t necessarily need to be a big five-year strategy plan. It’s what are we doing already?

And how can we serve better and going to. Blind with that. And when I say blind, I actually don’t mean blind. I actually mean with faith. Both. Sometimes his blind, in fact, a lot of the time it’s blind, we are believing for something that we can’t tangibly see yet that’s not here yet. We don’t see it on earth yet. But we’re still working. Towards it. So things might not make sense right now.

And that’s okay. It’s about deciding to take the steps and to move. Literally in your life, in your business without having the big plan. And I know this sounds so contradictory after it was doing. The most recent business reset and set and our goals for 2025, but we just might not. Be in that place, you might not be in that place. So the first thing I want to think and encourage you. To do is go at it blind with faith. And be thinking how, instead of setting all these big goals, how could. I serve better.

How can we serve better as a movement and how do I take the focus off of me, but onto them? And that then changed my whole perspective of okay. We can. I know. In my capacity right now, I can serve by praying. I can serve by sharing knowledge. I can serve by sharing relatable experiences. That’s how even just in my mark 10. To all the different businesses.

That’s how I can show up and go in and faith. Now. So I encourage you to step out in that faith of not knowing everything. And being okay with that. And leads me on to put number two and that’s make plans, not goals. So for me in this season, I just goal-setting doesn’t make any sense or. There’s so much gray.

I don’t know if I’m going to be. In the UK for a certain amount of period of time. I don’t know what that time’s going to be. Like there’s so much unknown and there’s so much gray and you might be in that season of unknown and gray. There’s the same, getting all your ducks in the row at the minute.

I don’t feel like I even have any ducks.

Putting all those ducks in a nice little neat row. Like I’m not in that season. So people are, and, Amazing. I’m so happy for you, but there’s some of us that just aren’t there.  And we’re feeling like everything is literally out of our control right now. I said in there. They’re both. Posts it’s about.

Okay. Goals. But I can make a plan. I can make a plan to serve. I can make a plan. Two.

Take like the verse I forgotten where it is. Where the profit, I think it’s a larger goes into a woman’s house and just ask her what she’s got to use in her hands. It’s one of those moments. What I’ve I got in me right now in, in you right now that you can go. And so in your business with, and just a really good job of button making a plan. Out of that. They’re not goals.

There’s no expectation of reach and a certain point. It’s just having a season in your life where there is no expectation. But you’ve just working out a plan that takes the pressure off that, can serve. Your clients, your team. And where you are putting  the focus on them. And for me, it’s put in the focus on how do we serve our members?

How do we serve our community and our membership and how do we serve our wider community? And I’ve just made plans from that. And I’ve made them plans. That I know that. No matter what’s going on. Whereas wherever I am in the world, I’m going to be able to serve them. And I’m going to be able to lead. Our team to keep serving. And I encourage you to do the same. As well. We’re not setting goals or just certain plans.

We’re just putting plans in place. Number three is pivot. Now they say to make, don’t make big decisions when you’re in the middle of a store. Which I think is wise. And I get why people say that, and I know. And I understand. But there’s always a book. I believe God is bigger. And I believe God is wiser. And go to him.

He might tell you to do something that feels so left field right now doesn’t make any sense in the earthly. Might be a pivot in the completely different direction, completely different market, completely different niche. Trust in that.

You praying to that as well. You might not get an answer straight away if you don’t have the answer yet. He might surprise you with the pivot. In a month or two. And right now it’s just staying where you are now. And just trusting in that weight in season might feel like a weight. He might’ve put something already on your heart that, is there that, it’s now it’s time to do.

And to pivot towards, and to trust that and to make that move.

So I want to give you permission to pivot. If you need to, or if you sense that there’s a pivot comment, stop praying into that and stop believing. And go. Blind in faith. Very weird. Opposite ways of saying things,  but trust the process.

Number four. Is don’t focus on your feelings. I think it’s okay to acknowledge feelings. To acknowledge where they’re coming from and your body and all that kind of stuff. Feelings are important. But I don’t think that should be our main focus. And I know that this is easier said than done. And I put a post up about this on my personal Instagram page.

Did the day. We’re putting a sponsorship pack. Together for Christian women in business to help us towards running the costs of CWIB and the podcast and the things that I have put in the plan. And so I had to go over our old collateral. That we’d made at the beginning to put all the stuff together. When we first launched CWIB. And I was just thinking. And I was just thinking, as I was going over the collateral, how different of a leader I was back then. And the amount of energy. That I had. And you might do have word moments in your business too, where you’re looking back over all the things and you’re like, geez Personally I was a different person, but that had a different energy. I was younger. I would hope that as I get older, I’d actually have more zest.

But You know you, so a couple of years of burnout or the other stuff that’s been happening, that if you have caught up with the latest podcasts, I know for all of us, we’ve all got different things going on for me personally. There’s been a big few years and that zest. There’s different.

There’s a test for life is just different. It’s.

And saying how I used to dream about like, where we take the movement to where we are now. And the faith in this season and everything else that’s going on. Like that feeling of failure came up for me. And I felt so I felt grief actually. I think. Is a word and a feeling word to put towards.

I felt grief. One for the person. The old personally. I saw myself as a leader, as I used to be, and seeing myself now. And. Like really just going, oh, I’m really sorry. God. But. I shouldn’t be going off that feeling. So okay. To acknowledge it is okay to process it, but that feeling isn’t actually. Our reality, like I’m not a failure.

You are not a failure. And we know. So you’ve passed wisdom of how God works. That. Things are going to come out of this difficult season. As testimony. And. If you’ve already listened to the stories, there’s so many things coming out of it already, and I’m not even touched on the prophecies like that were shared back in. May this year that led me to the UK.

Like it’s been momentum. And even though it feels like personally I’m going backwards and things being pulled back. And I actually felt like I got absolutely stripped. Down to the bird bones. And everything’s it’s just been a slow process of putting everything back together. Again. I don’t know if you felt like that too. But that was preparation for the next and you might be in the season for awhile and that’s okay.

I feel like when we’ve been stripped being put back together as a slow process, there’s things we need to learn. The faith changes we need, like growing into that, that next stage of faith. And trusting God. Understanding who he is on an even more deeper level. Even though it’s tough, we need to go through it. To grow it.

It’s that spiritual discipline and an understanding, even though it feels horrible. And all those other things I encourage you. You’re going. So for a reason, And even though things don’t make sense right now, they will do in the future. Let’s take a [00:15:00] step back. At knowledge, the feeling. It’s the. I’m feeling grief, her. Anger, whatever it is. I’m feeling like a failure. Okay. I’m recognizing that’s a feeling it’s not a reality. My reality is this is just a different season right now and it’s okay to be going through it. And it’s okay to be feeling it.

And know that God is going to use it. However he wants. However he wants. And it’s not going to feel like this forever. I’ve heard friends who have been through separation Christian non-Christian they’ve all said the same thing. This feeling is not going to last forever. In business, we go through highs.

We go through lows, this feeling it’s not going to last forever. So I want to really encourage. To step out in that blind faith. Forget about the dogs. Make yourself a plan that you can handle right now. For where you’re at in this season. And work towards it. Change your perspective from I to serve. Not in a. Overdoing it burning yourself out kind of way.

Just in the low. I think it was a larger, like I said before as a woman. What does she have in her hands that she can use? That you can just keep moving. Just keep taking those steps. And.

The consistency of taking those steps. Being consistent in your marketing. Taking that pivot that you might be. Been putting off, but now it’s time. Take it, do it. Go at blind. Like I said, forget about the dogs who needs dogs. You’ve got God. He’s got all his ducks in a row, so it’s all good. But use the wisdom that he has given us.

To know that he’s in it. Got a trust in that.  And this feeling and this season isn’t gonna last forever. You are doing such a good job. You are smash in life, even though it doesn’t feel like it, life doesn’t have to be all. Roses and, But a flows. For us not to be doing good. But if we’re waking up each day, we’re still showing up for ourselves. In the midst of what I call the beautiful mess. Then you still, you do an even better than those who have it all together. So keep going with your business.

Don’t give up, listen to the whispers from God and the holy spirit. Listen to your gut feeling, not your feeling feelings, but that gut feeling. The holy spirit feeling of if something feels right, or if it feels off. Follow that follow the direction and take those blind steps of faith. You’ve got this. I’m SJ and we’ll catch you next time. 

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