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7 Ways Your Business Can Bring Blessing To Others

Pondering the deeper purpose of your business?

Wondering if your faith matters to your business?

Looking for the eternal in your everyday?

I get it, running a business is hard work. We put hours and hours of time, effort and money into growing this business that God has given us (sometimes there’s even tears as well).

But what if there’s more to being a Christian woman in business than just something that occupies your time?

What if we saw our businesses as an opportunity for God to bring blessing to others?

What if we could see our business as a way to love and help others?

As Christan women, we can live out our faith within the realm of our business as well. The Bible reminds us time again that God loves for us to not only be looking out for our own interests, but for others as well.

Heb 13:16 (NIV): And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.

John 15:12 (NIV): My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.

Luke 3:11 (NIV): John answered, “Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same.”

With that said, here are 7 ways that our businesses can be a blessing to others.

  1. Blessing to clients. You can be a blessing to your clients and customers as you work with integrity, joy and truth. Do your job, and do it well.
  2. Blessing to other small businesses. The best way to support another business is by purchasing their products or services. This then also helps others to provide for their families.
  3. Praying for clients and customers. Being in business brings you into contact with many people you may otherwise never have met. Your prayers for them can be a great blessing and encouragement.
  4. Employment or subcontracting opportunities.
  5. As your business grows, be alert to opportunities that you could bless someone else by bringing them on as an employee or sub-contractor. Many of the lovely CWIB ladies bless others in this way.
  6. Financial generosity. What a blessing it is to be able to use finances from your business to support wider projects or ministries. 
  7. Growing skills. There’s no doubt that we learn many new skills as we grow our businesses. Some of these skills you may be able to use to serve your church or local community.
  8. Blessing to your family. For some people, their business blesses their family with additional income, or extra/flexible time to spend with children or aging parents. 

Yes, your business does have purpose.

Yes, your faith does matter to your business.

Yes, the eternal is in your everyday.

Never doubt that God can use your business for his kingdom purposes. Keep praying and searching and taking opportunities to be a good steward of your business that God has given to you.

With love,


Blog Author

Sarah Holder

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