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#96 A Prayer for Your Business for 2019

Hey there beautiful lady and welcome to the first podcast of 2019!

I am so excited about sharing another amazing year with you all as we interview different women across all types of businesses and walks of life, as we touch on different subjects in business, of course the Word of God and whatever else the Holy Spirit throws our way, I look forward to catching it and seeing the glory of God capture you all too!

This year at CWIB, we look forward to seeing you at our conference that’s only 4 weeks away on the 9th Feb. If you are coming, you’ll be in for 2 days of realignment, focused and special time with God as you prepare to face the year ahead in your business. We’ll be taking you through a journey of discovery into glory, taking you deeper into the Kingdom of God and building your confidence as a leader in Business.

Understanding Who you are in God and what that means with how you run your business and life is paramount. It takes the focus off of us and on to God. It means you stop looking up to heaven and look from heaven and that like Paul’s says in X your mind will be transformed from a worldly one to a Kingdom mind-set.

In 2019, we will be revealing the secrets locked in the Bible, through the Holy Spirit. I personally am really looking forward to going on this journey with you. As an amateur of the Bible myself, I don’t know all the answers, but I am very good friends with someone who does and the good news for you is, He lives in you too so let’s see what happens.

After the conference, we will be doing another 6-week bible study diving deeper into the subject, we had such a blast doing this last year I can’t wait to host another bible study again. This time it will only be held within our Membership and this will be available for our Sisterhood and Enriched members.

A couple of updates leading us into 2019…

  1. We will be moving back to 4 intakes a year. After experimenting for a couple of years now, we find that this is the best for us. It helps us introduce new members into the community more easily, keeps a nice structure to our calendar making sure that everyone is looked after and this is the strategy God gave us at the beginning, so I want to be obedient.
  2. We have now re-introduced Monthly Membership investments for the membership with each package we have available. So if you’ve been thinking about becoming a member and money has been the main thing from stopping you there are no excuses now. We have monthly membership options available for all different budgets!!!
  3. Shortly we will be adding Mini Bible Studies to our app too.

If you’ve been listening to this podcast for a long time and you’re not a member yet, I’d love to invite you to think about becoming a member. Not only will it be an amazing investment for yourself but the money we get from our memberships goes into resources like this podcast you’re listening to, the amazing free app we have available and many other amazing resources that help keep this amazing God filled community alive. Alternatively, you can help us by donating towards our podcast & resources.

We put so much hard work into them, we’d love it if you could share the love too by supporting us with investing into a membership even if it’s the lowest package. Or donating monthly. Every little helps.

To become a member all you need to do is visit our website, click join, pop your application in and we will let you know when as soon as our intakes are open!

We’ve popped the donate button on our podcast pages and a Give Back section.

I’ve also thought I’d take some time to share with you some words from our members Jan Morris….

Becoming a member of this wonderful community of Christian business women has shifted me both personally and in my business. Where else would you be able to find a ‘go to at any-time’ group whose ethics and beliefs lined up perfectly with yours? I have grown spiritually and personally and the impact on how I look at the business world has been a massive benefit to my businesses. I would recommend this if you are in business and want all round support encouragement, fun and love.

Be encouraged lovely lady, you’re doing a great job in your business, even on those really hard days. Take your eyes off yourself and onto your Lord and Saviour. He is the one that gives our daily bread of Jesus to get us through each day.

What do we have planned for our podcast for 2019…  

  • We will still be interviewing amazing women from all over the world, helping to share their stories of how God has worked through their businesses and the wisdom they’ve learnt.
  • We will be sharing the odd Leadership Knowledge podcast where I will be sharing tips and of what I’ve been learning and what God is been sharing with me as we build CWIB.
  • We also will be continuing sharing our Daily Verses on our app with you and not forgetting our wonderful magazine. If you haven’t already checked out issue 5 you can do that now, it’s all about rest and recovery and issue 6 will be out in the second quarter of the year.

I’d love to pray with you for your year ahead!

Dear Father God,
Thank you so much for the peaceful break we’ve had over the summer, thank you that you continue to look after our businesses even when we rest. Thank you that you are a God that provides rest and restoration and thank you so much for all the amazing ways in which you worked through our businesses in 2018, we are so grateful for your provision and that we got to glorify you in everything that we do Lord.

We lift 2019 up to you and ask for your perfect will be done, we ask that you’ll use us Lord through CWIB, we are here to yield your name, to be a vessel on this earth for you to be glorified. Holy Spirit we ask for you to guide us as we make our plans, we ask for your wisdom as we lead these amazing women and I want to see lives and businesses changed because of your name. Holy Spirit, we love you and respect your power so much, thank you that you are here to be with us on this earth.

In 2019 we hope to see baptisms like the ones we see in Acts, for people in this community to do amazing things like the disciples, to come alive and wake up from their sleepiness and that amazing wonders would happen to bring you glory Lord. It’s time for your Kingdom to come alive and be shown.
Let the people’s eyes be opened to not see milk but see the meat.

We know that you are moving the earth Holy Spirit, we know that you’re raising up business owners on this earth to see your world and your secrets for a reason and when the time is right we want to be ready for you and ready to go. Bring your burning fire balls of flames on us Father God, we are hungry and ready to serve and to see your awesomeness sweep churches and leaders off their feet’s. So they see whose really in charge, hearts on fires. Other languages being spoken to hear the gospel and your sheep saved.

Jesus Christ, we love you so much. We worship you and we are grateful that you intercede for us. May 2019 be a year of fully bringing glory to you in every aspect of our lives.

In Jesus Christ name we pray,


I’m looking forward to seeing what God does, I’m looking forward to hosting this podcast for you in 2019 and I look forward to seeing how the glory of God unfolds in 2019. This is so exciting. Last year we were told to claim our land, this year is about seeing the glory unfold.

Until next week lovely lady, keep being awesome, if you’re still having time off, keep resting and don’t lose site to the vision and mission God has given you.

I’m SJ and you’re listening to the CWIB Podcast Show.

Founder Sarah-Jane Meeson was given a word to inspire women. Since then, Sarah-Jane dreamed about how she could inspire women and unite them together. She knew it was going to be for God and she knew she had a passion for business and just to see people thrive and be all that they can be: no matter what past they’ve had, no matter how much money or where they come from. It’s about them being the best person they can be for God and to help share their story of how God has worked through their life and business.

After chatting with a girlfriend and sitting on the idea for a while, God kept prompting her heart to bring this movement of women together. After some time, Sarah-Jane knew what she needed to do; she bit the bullet and now here it is. Christian Women in Business – a movement of Christian women pushing forward for God in their businesses … and it’s great!

Picture of SJ our Founder

Sarah-Jane xo

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