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Leadership with Lisa Bruton

In this week’s podcast we are so blessed to be graced by Lisa Bruton.  She is the founder and director of Arise Sanctuary, an organisation that runs luxury boutique retreats for women. A qualified occupational therapist and life coach, Lisa is passionate about creating spaces for women to stop and hear God’s voice.

Arise runs domestic and international retreats for women to rest and be refreshed, but most importantly to have the space to reconnect with God, to restore their hearts and reestablish their identities. A mum of two young girls, Lisa is dedicated to seeing women equipped and empowered to step out and follow their dreams.

Lisa will be running our Retreat sessions on Sunday.

This is the last week to grab your in-person conference tickets – for those who are leaving it til the very last minute, NOW IS YOUR TIME!

Ticket’s will close on Friday and that it the very last cut off date if you want to join us in person and stay on site as well. Even if you live in QLD or close by, I recommend you still booking yourself a bed on site so you can keep those conference feels going all weekend.

This also means – we are two weeks out from launching Christian Women in Leadership as well and many have been asking what’s going to be the difference between the two memberships?

CWIB – Is for business owners giving you practical resources for to help you grow your business while having access to our lovely community of other women who own businesses.

CWIL – is more about the personal development for the individual whose on a bigger mission then herself, with peer to peer mentoring & self-development as the main focus. This isn’t going to be teaching/training school or coaching program but a strong network of women who are on similar journey’s in the leadership world.

We have the lovely Lisa back on the show today who facilitates our Retreat sessions at conference.

It’s been over a year since we’ve had you on here and so many things have changed since then.

Questions for Lisa

What are you looking forward to most about conference 2021?

What’s one big faith step you had to take this year in your business? Or has an opportunity presented itself to you this year where you’ve had no choice but to step out in faith.

What are the bigger dreams you have for your business and what is your process of heading towards them? (question for those who have big dreams but unsure about taking the next step)

Do you see yourself as a leader and if so, what things have come to you as a leader that has challenged you that you might not of expected? What lesson did you learn from it? (We will be speaking more about this at conference as we launch Christian Women in Leadership, I ask this because we might have already gone through what someone is going through now, I want to meet them in that place and encourage them through it and how to deal with it.)

Our theme for this year’s conference is “Influence” what does influence mean to you in your business?

Anything else you would like add/say. (Giving you an open mic ;-))

Spare question – If you could tell your younger leader one thing, what would it be?

Lady, we are so excited to bring to you the CWIB Community Conference/Retreat for 2021!

We hope you’re ready for an awesome time…

DATES: 20th Feb to 21st Feb 2021

Location: alexandra park, alexandra headlands, sunshine coast, qld, australia

Count Down To Tickets Closing...


Lisa Bruton

Where to find Lisa

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