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Being A Rae of Light in Your Business

In this week’s podcast, our guest is Rae Burrell of Rae of Light Concepts.  Rae’s mission is to shine her light brightly so that others may see it and strive to turn up the brightness on their lights, too.  Rae of Light gives owners freedom and peace of mind by creating systems and processes that allow them to delegate tasks to a fully capable team. RoL Concepts believes all businesses should be built to last and takes pride in helping business owners create a legacy their way.  Take a listen and be blessed with Rae’s story and top 5 tips.♥

Her top 5 tips:

  1. Rhythms – Find your rhythm and get into your swing 
  2. Expect the unexpected – When the world throws you a curve ball, then it’s ok. 
  3. Take your time and think through your ideas – brain dump, go back, read back over and split them into categories. Ask yourself, what direction do you want to go? 
  4. Don’t try to finish the pie in one sitting. Divide and develop your ideas into phases. Break your ideas up into the four quarters. 
  5. Repetitive tasks – write them down, how can you automate and delegate. 

Her Bible verse for this season:

Matthew 5:16  In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

Blessing —->>>  Use this promo code exclusive for CWIB Podcast show listeners and subscribers: SarahCrew

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Rae Burrell

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