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#5 – Business is an Adventure with Chloe Somerfield

Ever wonder what it looks like to go on God’s adventure instead of your own?

Chloe, like many of us had grand dreams and wanted to do everything all at the same time – until God gave her a gentle nudge to make her see what His plan was for her. She shares with us how her adventure with God began and her awesome journey.

A few years into blogging, God called her into what she later realized was at the core of all her dreams of helping women and that it was through life coaching. With God as the CEO, Soul and Sparkle evolved from a “little blog” about fashion, beauty, and encouragement into an online hub of inspiration and empowerment for the everyday young woman. These days, Chloe does offline workshops, speaking engagements, and delivering online workshops and content on self-worth, building confidence, loving your single life, and getting over fear and pursuing your purpose with passion.

Chloe’s Top 5 Tips

  1. You’ve gotta do the work
    Study, read, practice, practice, practice
  2. Collaboration
    Connect with other like-minded women who are on a similar mission
  3. Guard your time
    The internet offers a lot of distractions, do not let yourself be taken away
    from the work that you are meant to be doing
  4. Comparison
    It’s not bad to admire other people’s work but do let yourself end up comparing yourself to them because God intended you to be unique and shine in your own way
  5. Focus on the things that matter
    Especially if you are a solopreneur, you need to focus on the most important things first and master that, then it’s okay to add some new things later

Finally, Chloe suggests a cool app called Forest to help with focus and prevent yourself from getting too distracted with your many social media apps – save the trees!

Bible verses:

Psalm 32:8
The Lord says, “I will guide you
along the best pathway for your life.
I will advise you and watch over you.

John 15:5
Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches.
Those who remain in me, and I in them,
will produce much fruit. For apart from
me you can do nothing.

Where to find Soul and Sparkle by Chloe

Website | Instagram | Facebook

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