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Changing the World…One Sip at a Time

While changing the world sounds like an overwhelming and almost impossible task, the Samaritan woman at the well did just that and brought so many to the Christian faith that she is described as “equal to the apostles”, according to scholars.

I dare to believe that one of the two happened for most of us:

1) we were business owners going on about our daily business tasks and one day Jesus shows up and our perspective about God, our purpose and money is shifted 180 degrees, or

2) we were Christians going on about our daily Christian tasks and one day Jesus shows up and our perspective about God, money, our purpose and our worth change 180 degrees.

Whether you can claim one of those two scenarios or you have your own story about how Jesus radically changed your view about your business, money and your purpose; one this is for certain:

Jesus shows up and he brings the living water to us, to me! Jesus knows all my deeds, my dealings with my community, my family and business partners or employees and yet He offers me His living water so I don’t have to go back to this same well to draw water in the middle of the hot day in attempt to avoid the gaze of the people who think less of me.

Can you remember the moment when Jesus gave you your drinks of the living water?

Can you remember the moment your heart and your eyes opened, and your business became the God’s gift that was meant for you?

The gift that always belong to you, but you were too afraid to embrace because “you were not good enough”, “you were just a woman”, “you’re not cut out to run a business”, “you are just a mother and a wife” or because “money is the root of all evil”?

I would like to think that the Samaritan woman was hurried in the walk back to the town with feather lightness in her feet, her eyes lit with happiness and her heart full of purpose.

And I would like to think that you too, after remembering your Jesus encounter at your well, will go back to the people and tell them about the living water you have access to.

Of course, you don’t have to literally walk around town taping people on the shoulder, as I imagine the woman at the well had to do back in the day.

We, as business owners and operators, have a huge sphere of influence.  We can change the world by extending grace, speaking softly, honouring our deals, loving on our employees, being kind always, standing for the truth and what’s right or just doing the moral thing that all other businesses around you ignore because it is not illegal.

Think of your suppliers, customers, your social media followers, your competitors… how much of a better place the world would be if they all had a sip of the living water!

Changing the world and changing culture isn’t a huge and impossible task.  It only takes a woman who is willing to drink the water and tell others about how her world has changed.

Many Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony – John 4:39 ESV

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Blog Author

Dani Knuth

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