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Feeling Worn Out and Weary?

Do you sometimes feel that each day is a bit of a struggle, an uphill battle?  That you’re just hanging in there, putting one foot in front of the other and praying for the best?

I felt this way, especially in my business, for a good 18 months.  In my mind, I kept seeing a picture of my scared self, edging along a very narrow, rocky path, high on a treacherous mountain. I was trying desperately not to slide back down or off the edge… if I lost my footing, the fall below would mean imminent death.  I was exhausted, afraid and uncertain.

When I was close to giving up, God spoke a word of encouragement. He revealed that in times like these, we need to lean into Him, as our rock (Psalms 62:2) for safety. Just as we would lean into a physical cliff face, away from the dangerous edge, He keeps us safe.

When we place our trust in Him and cling to Him, He will direct our steps one after the other (Proverbs 16:9) and keep us from falling (Jude 1:24).

As we stay close to our Father and rely on the Holy Spirit’s guidance, we might feel like we’re going nowhere; in fact, we’re edging closer to the Summit! And there He has rewards- exceedingly above all that we ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20)- ready and waiting for us!

Are you feeling worn out, weary and on the tempted to give up?

Be encouraged that your Father in heaven sees you, knows you and loves you. As His daughter, He will not allow you to take more load than you can bear… all we need to do is surrender our burden- our best intentions, our busy-ness, our frustrations- to Him. (Matthew 11:28)

At the CWIB conference, I received a different picture from God, that revealed the next season that I am finally able to step into. Not such a journey of struggle and darkness, but one through lush, peaceful valleys. Jesus reached out His hand to beckon me along a meandering, easy path and he asked me to place my hand in His.  I asked God what led to me suddenly being able to get down off that awful mountain of doom and relax into a new pace of grace alongside Him.

His answer? Praise and surrender

It’s always about praising Him against all odds.

Psalms 149:6 says “Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, And a two-edged sword in their hand,”

I look back and see that I hung in there with God and stood firm on His word throughout the climb up that mountain. With the Holy Spirit’s help, I had held up my double-edged sword and declared God’s word along the way, praising Him no matter what.

I also needed to come to a place of surrender– letting go of control over everything I thought I needed to be doing. I was frantically racing from here to there making myself dizzy and frustrated in my own efforts to get my business off the ground… All this busy-ness was of my own doing and keeping me up on that rocky shelf!

I finally recognised I had been totally off on my own tangent, making grand plans, working frantically to carry them out, then asking God to bless them. I wept, repented and felt ready to say ‘Yes’ to following Jesus’ lead.

Do you get distracted by all the tasks that need to be done, when sitting with Jesus is all that’s required? Do you tend to me a ‘Martha’ too? (Luke 10: 40-41)

All along God wanted me to stop, feel his love, wait for Him and patiently listen to Him for my next steps (Matthew 11:28).

This lesson took me a while to learn, and it’s an ongoing battle between my independent self and letting God reign in my day to day life. I pray constantly that the Holy Spirit will help me ‘let go and let God’. Yep, He had a better plan all along, that would allow me to rest in His grace and not grind in my own strength. (I highly recommend ‘Grace over Grind’ by Shae Bynes if you haven’t read it)

Praise and surrender provided my swift descent down that mountain. At last I could relax and allow myself the grace to just enjoy an easier journey. Not that it feels heaps easier yet, but the churning inside has been replaced by peace and I am constantly mindful to stay in step with my Father. To my surprise, things have finally gathered momentum in my business, too!

At times I can feel myself letting go of Jesus’ hand, starting to pick up pace and run ahead up an incline again! I now recognise that means I need to slow down, take His hand again and have a long talk (well, series of talks) with Him as He walks beside me.

The bible tells us that we will have troubles and be tested (John 16:33). In fact, it often seems just as one set of issues is resolving another is rearing its head!  But Jesus also gives us the power to overcome and return to a place of rest and peace with Him.

He still has a bigger plan for us all -greater than we can dream of- and a better way for us to get there!

I pray that we all receive a revelation of His love for us and His amazing plans for us.

May we trust His everlasting arms that rescue us when we falter and praise His name whatever the weather!

Father God, help us to lean into You and stay safe in your will. Holy Spirit, guide us forwards with confidence that we know our Father’s voice and in the knowledge of Your ways, following Your plan and in Your love.

We claim our inheritance as daughters of the King and acknowledge that You alone can empower us to carry out our life’s purpose according to Your pleasing and perfect will.

As we go about our day-to-day lives with our families, our clients and our communities may we remember to surrender our plans first to you, our CEO. May we continually praise you, trust you and represent Jesus to everyone we meet.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Are you ready to take your faith to the next level?





*Early Bird rate is going up until this week only!!!

Blog Author

Kym Siddons

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