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Such a small word isn’t it? Has the illusion of being simple.

Joy though is bigger than just happiness. It’s often in the face of sadness that we find joy.

Kay Warren describes joy as “a settled assurance that God is in control of all the details of my life, the quiet confidence that ultimately everything will be all right, and the determined choice to praise God in all things” *

I wonder how Mary felt as she held her small babe in her arms, knowing that he was destined to be a vessel for God. I wonder if she felt joy, a knowledge that passes mere happiness but a step of faith that God has it all sorted. I wonder whether she felt caution, concern, doubts?

I’m glad that we know how the story ends, at least this chapter of it anyway. I’m glad that I can step into joy when not everything feels happy.

Much love
Team CWIB xx

Please share this with your friends who need a reminder about joy, even in the tough times.

  • Quote from devotional Choose Joy by Kay Warren.

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