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Money, Faith and Our Purpose in Business

In the book ‘Thou Shalt Prosper’ by Daniel Lapin, he shares the ethical and moral value of making money in business. Where we serve and offer our skills or products for the betterment of other human beings.

He addresses the subtle negativity in society against businesses that make a lot of money. And shows the ripple effects of media, Government and schools, that infer successful business as dishonest. Many of us don’t recognise that our internal conflict about making a lot of money is in our culture. Added to that, as believers, we have the other layer of scriptures used to dampen your desire to make money.

As Christians, we have to be able to deal with this if we want to be and live in the blessing . God never designed it to be such a struggle. He doesn’t have a problem with money. Abraham became rich. David was rich. The women in Proverbs 31 created wealth. We have story after story where God’s children excel .

From scripture we know that it is God that sends the rain on the ‘just and unjust’ (Matt 5:45). The rain falls on the seed and the seed brings a harvest and from the harvest you have more seed for another crop. (Is 55:10-11)

Do you see the principle of God’s blessing?

If you are not sowing seed, you cannot grow a harvest. If you don’t take some of that harvest aside for more seed, then you will not have a second harvest. This is a natural principle that God designed in the Spirit.

We often reduce it down to ‘You reap what you sow’ but it is more than that isn’t it?

We, who are in business, with a desire to make a lot of money have to believe in the ethical and moral value of it. Particularly those who are in the Kingdom of God must understand that that it is a gift from God to be able to generate wealth.

He calls us into His purpose. The big reason that is His top of mind agenda. That MANY will come into the Kingdom of God.

We must be Kingdom people. Not focused from our local church point of view, nor focused from our individual wants and needs but from the viewpoint of God who has called us. We are participants in the high calling of God.

‘And this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached for a witness unto all nations and then the end shall come’ Matthew 24:14

When we step into that agenda, we are no longer thinking in terms of being an Australian or American or African. Nor are we Pentecostal, Anglican, Catholic or Jewish. We are all one family in Him. We become co-workers with Christ in the preaching of the Gospel.

As a business owner our role is two fold. We serve our customers with excellence. We also create wealth to impact the world for His salvation and so we can live well.

Maybe we’re not the one standing on the platforms of the world preaching the message of salvation. But if I can be the one that pays for the whole platform, sound equipment, marketing and venue – then I have contributed to the saving of souls.

I’ve had the privilege of witnessing this in the nations of the world. Where the same Jesus in the New Testament turns up and does exactly the same things He did on earth 2000 years ago. And I’ve understood the blessing that has come upon our lives because not only did we fund these things but we also went. My testimony now reflects all of these elements that God wants for His children.

Our churches have become weighted on the side of ‘good works’ for the poor and the needy so we feel better if we raise money for a ‘cause’. But this is not the gospel that Jesus calls us into. He called His disciples by saying:

‘Follow Me, I will make you fishers of men’ Matthew 4:19

Can you see how our purpose and our calling is so much more than just being successful in and of ourselves?

The Kingdom of God is in the preaching of the gospel and it is in the demonstration of His spirit and power. It is where people are being saved, healed and set free. It is to equip us for being a light to the world, to moving in the world with the spirit of God all over our work and our words.

We need to not be attached to the money we generate. Our businesses become a conduit for the blessing of God to the Evangelist and the Apostle, and those that are hard at work reaching the lost. Our money is given to God to multiply. We must not demand an ROI, or give with strings attached. We must give in faith. Give back to God, the very thing He gave to us in the first place.

Our trust is in Him – our Shield and Great Reward. Genesis 15:1

Let’s not play small anymore with our faith, or money or our thinking about our purpose. We must put forward the gospel in the nations. We must be the ones that do it, not just to build churches but to seek and to save the lost.

When we give like that, God will multiply your ability to generate even more wealth because His heart is to SAVE.

I’m challenging you. You’re in business and maybe it started with a smaller vision. Maybe you focused primarily on make money to cover your bills, to have a comfortable life and to bless someone. That’s fine and God wants you to have that and more. But first things first. God is calling you to something bigger. Something where you need to expand your mind, your horizons and your faith.

God wants to take that business desire in you and make you a transformer of nations.

For me, the dream is to be able to fund a whole gospel crusade. If I can give $10,000 or $1 million or $10 million – even if I’m left with $5 in my account – then I have served in His grand plan of world evangelisation.

It is God that blesses the work of our hands, and helps us serve our clients so they in turn become all they can be and be participants in the big plans of God. It is us that activates faith, sows and reaps the harvest.

Are you dreaming big enough with God? I pray we all raise to the challenge.

Blog Author

Sharryn Ludlow

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