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Staying in the Faith Zone, in Business and Life!

Over the years of mentoring and coaching Christian business owners, I love to see people come into this space of being sure of God and who they are. The faith zone. It’s so powerful. Often when we first start working together they are looking for a solution in their business but they want to partner with someone who is in Christ. I totally get that, I was the same when I went looking for help to move forward.

Getting to see behind the scenes I’m witness to the ones doing their best and dreaming big dreams but often getting stuck with things like:

  • The questioning of God’s will for them and what does He want.
  • Money beliefs and limitations.
  • Fear of being wrong, standing out, not being good enough, not having permission, being seen, succeeding and then what, not being right with God…etc.
  • Struggling with trying to sort through ALL the ideas and ALL the things they can do to make their business or desires take shape.
  • The feeling of being fragmented without a focus and strategy, stuck not making real decisions.
  • The demands of others (husbands, kids, family, friends…) on their lives and how they navigate that.

These gaps I see in various ways over and over again and I understand them, my personal experience has lead me through some of these exact some challenges.

Whether you work with someone to help or you find a way other ways to keep moving forward, I want to encourage you to do whatever you can to stay in the faith zone! Be determined to mature in spiritual things.

God is Great!

God is great! He has a design and purpose for the earth and you are part of that. Not for your own gain, but for the furtherance of His aims in the world. It’s easy to turn that wrong side up and make it about you and your purpose but that is where we miss it. It’s about HIS purposes and how you serve Him – in your life, business, leadership, work – all being subject to Him.

You have two choices. To have faith or not have faith. There’s no in between. The words of Jesus come with no qualification for special circumstances. He says ‘have faith in God’.

This statement implies two things.

  1. That you know God.
  2. That the onus is on you to choose to have faith.

There is no implied acceptance or non acceptance because of how good you are or how much you’ve done. You have to believe God. In fact, Paul says, in Hebrews 11:6:

“But without faith it is impossible to please God. For it is right that the one drawing near to God should believe that He is, and that He becomes a rewarder to the ones seeking Him out.”

So you must know Him and increasingly know Him.

But I want you to remember, now that you’re in Christ, according to the scriptures in 1 Cor 3:16: 

“Do you not know that you are a temple of God, and the Spirit of God dwells in you?”

If that doesn’t affect you I do not know what will!

God, creator of heaven and earth, the one that saved you by His own action, the one who gave Jesus to the world, the one that has freely given you all things, now lives inside of you by His Spirit.

You are now so privileged, so blessed. No wonder Paul said, in Romans 8:31

‘If God be for us, who against us?’

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The faith zone is the Kingdom way.

When you’re thinking about your business or interacting with customers, or planning for your future, commit your ideas to the Lord and let faith take you beyond what you know. Dare to trust God and allow His Spirit to teach you, through His word, just how unlimited He wants you to be.

Revenue can be added even in the midst of a drought. Ideas and opportunities may come out of no where. Partnerships with others might appear in your life. The faith zone is a Kingdom way of thinking and being. Your mind is fixed on Him and no matter what is going on around you, your mouth and your mind is full of the goodness of God.

When drama is happening all around and the world is being shaken, the conversations are full of fear and worry, people are dying and lives are being shipwrecked, how do you react? The saved Jesus person must stand, in faith, trusting God. And in truth, be like the Hebrew men who were prisoners of war in Babylon, that said in Daniel 3:17-18

“If it is so that our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, then He will deliver out of your hand, oh king. And if not, let it be known to you, O king, that we will not serve your gods, or worship the golden image we you have set up”.

These guys aligned themselves with God even if they died in the process. Nothing was going to shift them or make them go the way of all the others. It is the one that knows their God, that are committed to Him as King, that do the exploits through faith.

That is totally living in the faith zone!

And this applies to your whole life! You are not separate to your business or to the people you influence in what you do. The faith zone is within you from the roots, the very core of your being. It is the Spirit of Christ within you, the one you receive from the moment you are saved.

I firmly believe both from a biblical point of view and from my life’s experience that there is a place and a need for successful business and leaders who know their God. They impact the world with purpose, they think differently.

The call for the warrior of God’s Kingdom is sounding out. The one whose whole life is framed in their God and knows that this battle requires faith and understanding. It’s time to grow up in faith, to mature in spiritual things. Strengthen the feeble knees. Life up your hands. Shout with praise.

In the faith zone, God is with you!

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