This Beautiful Gift Called Love

I’m thankful for today, for this beautiful gift called life.

This week I’ve learned just how precious this gift is and how important it is to appreciate the little things. The passing of a colleague helped me once again put into perspective this abundant blessing we have.

Over the past few years God has truly been helping me to slow down and embrace every day and enjoy all that He has given me.

In the past, I struggled with feelings of comparison and envy. Feelings I’m not proud of but thankful I have moved to the other side of. With God’s help and guidance I now see the blessings He has given me.

In years past infertility and physical illness gave me a distorted view of the beautiful life that God had given me.

Delving into His Word and seeing His provision in my life helped me to overcome these feelings and beliefs. I now live a life filled with gratitude and hope, blessed by His grace and filled with beauty.

His Word is life. Where my own life seemed to be without; without a child, without health, without motherhood, His Word breathed life into my soul and helped me to see the abundant blessings He has given me.

Into my ‘barren’ life He has breathed beauty, faith, hope and love. He has given me eyes to see the abundance of his provision. It was always there however, He was always providing. I was blind but now I see.

His Word spoke to me and breathed life into these dry bones. He told me I am loved, He assured me I am treasured and He gave me faith in His goodness.

I don’t need to worry about today, He has provided all that I need.

He helped me to see that the pain of this world is only temporary. That in Him and in His Son Jesus Christ is true life.

I now see the beauty in His creation, joy in gorgeous moments and have the blessing of peace in my heart.

This life is truly precious. It isn’t perfect, we each have our own struggles, our own heartache and pain. However when we walk the path with God and the narrow road with Jesus our lives are full and we find freedom.

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No longer bound to pains of the past or feelings of hopelessness. We awake to a new morning which is truly joyful.

After thirteen years my husband and I still haven’t had children, yet God has filled my heart with joy, hope and peace. This is a blessing beyond words.

Joy in the present,
Hope in the future
and peace in Him.

For His ways are higher than ours.

Sing praises to the Lord,
O you his saints,
and give thanks to his holy name.
For his anger is but for a moment,
and his favor is for a lifetime.
Weeping may tarry for the night,
but joy comes with the morning.


Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.

This verse spoke to my heart and helped me to understand what is really important. Neither infertility nor chronic illness could take that away from me. He has taught me so many beautiful lessons on this journey.

One of the greatest lessons I have learned is to love God and His ways and to trust my life into His loving hands.

Blog Author

Bec Jungic

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