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When God’s Grace Finds Its Way

He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8

I have loved this passage of scripture for as long as I can remember. Its words resonate with us today, thousands of years after they were scribed. They, like the rest of scripture, are God-breathed and just as beautiful and true as when it was first written.

Justice, kindness and to walk humbly with God. These three things are integral to the Christians life. These words speak to us and gently call us to rid ourselves of pride and turn to the One who created us, loves us and calls us to His purpose.

Sometimes we get caught up in life. With everyday tasks, with planning our day, our week, our year. We look ahead and boldly declare that we can do all things. Often times we dare to do this without seeking God first or recognising His majesty and how He holds us in the palm of His hands. We become excited with what He has given us to do that we may forget to slow down and walk with Him and not run ahead.

I have had to slow down recently due to illness and acknowledge that every aspect of my life is in His hands. I realised that my endometriosis was coming back but I just fought through. I fought through the pain, the emotional upsets and not having everything in my control.

Until I finally realised that even this, especially this is in God’s hands.

I recognise the incredible blessings in my life, they are vast and beautiful and truly a gift. I do however now acknowledge that while I can control how I respond to situations in life I don’t have full control of my condition. I acknowledge with tearful prayers that my life, my body, my everything is in the hands of the one I call Father God.

Illness, pain or disease sometimes don’t simply go away every time you pray. We do however continue to take our hopes, dreams and thanksgiving to God. He does grant you moments of stillness, reflection and comfort. He gently whispers into your life that He loves you. That you aren’t defined by your illness. That He has you in His care. That He thinks of you and remembers your frame. We may be from the dust of the earth but out of this dust, He creates something beautiful. He creates a humble spirit. He fashions it with mercy and grace. He wraps it in His Word and embraces us.

When illness or heartache or pain came my way in the past I struggled against it. The years though have changed my perspective. The last few months have been a time of searching and praying as well as many tears. This morning though as I write, I look outside and see the sun shining, the birds are singing and the soft layers of my cardigan are wrapped around me. I feel His presence and consider His Word and I know that God hears my prayers and that He loves me greatly.

I’m thankful that I live in a country where I can have surgery to remove these adhesion’s and that by God’s grace I have found a specialist who is both compassionate and excels in his field. So many little things happened the day I went to the hospital to meet him that I knew God had blessed every part of it. I have peace in my heart about the operation and I know it’s what I’m meant to be doing. God’s grace finds its way into those areas of our lives where we simply acknowledge that we can’t do it all, be it all and have everything together.

His provision is endless. I’m not alone. I know many people who have faced their own trials and have recognised their need for Him more deeply than at any time in their lives. These are precious moments and in my own circumstances, I am thankful for them. They can be difficult, they can hurt but ultimately they help me turn to Him with outstretched arms.

Whatever you may be facing today, whether heartache, pain or illness remember that God sees you. He knows you intimately and He loves you with an unrivalled love. This time of difficulty may just be what helps you to walk a little more slowly and give you the opportunity to stretch out your hands to hold His.

“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” Psalm 147:3

“Come to Me, all you wholabor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

“This is my comfort in my affliction, for Your word has given me life.” Psalm 119:50

Are you ready to take your faith to the next level?





*Early Bird rate is going up until this week only!!!

Blog Author

Rebecca Jungic

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