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Do for God

God won’t say, “Don’t use your talents.” After all, He’s the one who put them there. But when we allow the Spirit to give us power and we tell God we’re willing to follow Him wherever He wants, He might ask us to serve Him in ways we never expected.

God may want us to serve Him in an area where we feel uneasy. (Like having and running your business, yes?) No one can do everything well. But working at a task of which we’re a little scared can make us more open to God’s help. And as we depend on God, others see God’s strength shining through us.

Paul wrote, “This precious treasure-this light and power that now shine within us-is held in perishable containers, that is, in our weak bodies. So everyone can see that our glorious power is from God and is not our own” (2 Corinthians 4:7). 

When we study the people who serve God best, we notice that real power comes from letting the Holy Spirit take charge and asking God to give us the skills we need to serve Him. Being an expert ourselves sometimes gets in the way.

God isn’t limited by your age, your weaknesses, or your lack of experience. Just watch what He can do through you when you give His Spirit control!

What bold new thing do you think God would like to do through you? Perhaps join the CWIB tribe, a community of women who love God and encourage one another to love And serve Him through our business? Link in bio to sign up today! (Taken from Josh Mcdowell Ministry)

Much love,
Team CWIB xx

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