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Let the Small Things Go

Have you ever found that you’re going about your business, feeling pretty good, when suddenly … a teeny, tiny, non-important stumbling block comes across your path and stomps on your day?

What do you do about the small irritants? Complain to Jesus? I remember someone who did. 

“Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:41-42

Jesus was not only telling her not to sweat the small stuff but to refocus her priorities on something of infinitely more value.

There are many lessons from this text. But for today don’t let yourself get overwrought with the mundane issues of life.

Martha was a good person. A hard worker. A ministry minded woman. She loved Jesus. But, she was distracted. She allowed the ‘small stuff” to aggravate her. There are so many little things that can divert our attention from the bigger, more important issues of life.

Sure, there are bills to pay. Appointments to keep. A house to manage. A car to service. People who need our attention. Notes to be written. Events to attend. The list goes on!

Whew! Slow down. Relax. Take a deep breath. Refocus your thinking. Practice patience. Live in the moment. Accept the imperfection of others. Manage your stress. Lighten up. Mind your own business. And remember Jesus’ advice to choose the good part.

Never forget. Jesus does care.

And by choosing that which is better. It can never be taken away.

How do you deal when the little things start to get to you? We’d love to hear your ideas!

Much love,
Team CWIB xx

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